
Showing posts from September, 2018

How to Think Positively to Achieve Success.

A lot of cynical people believe that thinking positively is a crock. How is it possible that being obnoxiously optimistic is going to provide you with the tools that you need to become successful? No matter what you think it isn’t going to change the world around you, right? While that may be true, thinking positively has been proven in studies to change your mind and body for the better and help you to recognize the opportunities around you. Whether you want to believe that blind optimism is the key to success or not, there is little dispute that being a positive thinker enhances your quality of life and makes you more likely to seize the opportunities that are around you and stay motivated to follow those opportunities down a path to success. The first thing you need to do in order to begin to think positively is to really examine yourself and your negative thoughts. Be honest with yourself about where these negative thoughts creep up and begin to consume you. It is common for the hu...

top tips for your snapchat marketing

Are you looking to step up your game on Snapchat. This is something that more and more brands are doing right now thanks to the recent surge in popularity that the platform has enjoyed following its awesome 2.0 update. But your success in this endeavour is going to hinge on your approach to Snapchat marketing. You can’t just go in blind – you need a strategy and you need to demonstrate an understanding of the platform. Let’s take a look at how you can do that. Here are some tips that will help you to develop a strong following and keep them engaged throughout your Snapchat journey… 1. Post Regularly. The idea of Snapchat is very similar to the idea behind live video – your’ trying to invite your audience to share in your experiences as though they were right there with you. In order to do this effectively, you need to post semi-regularly and that means at least once a day. Some writers recommend doing even more frequent updates – but do be aware of becoming an irritation to your audien...

How to Move Forward After a Setback.

There are few things more challenging than being able to pick yourself up after a setback. This is especially true if you lack confidence, and are easily shaken by running into challenges. If you don’t believe in yourself, the process of working toward a goal can be excruciating. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can start to re-motivate yourself when you have faced an unforeseen obstacle so that you can begin to move forward no matter what the setback may have been. The first thing you need to do, whether you consider yourself the sensitive type or not, is to express the feelings that occur when you realize that you may have done something wrong or face the challenge that you were not able to overcome very easily. It is natural to feel miserable after an experience like that, no matter how self-imposed you may be. You should express your feelings and frustrations, and consider your fears about the situation so that you are not surprised in the future and you do not bottle of y...

The Top Things You Didn’t Know About Snapchat.

Snapchat is one of the most unusual social networks to make it big online. You wouldn’t have thought that such a simple concept, handled arguably quite poorly to begin with, would become the huge behemoth it has today. And yet it has – and right now it’s flying higher than ever thanks to its 2.0 update. Snapchat’s story is surprising enough on face value but when you learn some of the more surprising twists and turns, the plot only thickens. Read on and let’s take a closer look at some of the things you probably didn’t know about Snapchat… 1. The Original Snapchat App Was Badly Coded. If ever you think you can’t make it big online, let Snapchat be an inspiring story to suggest otherwise. Snapchat is by no means some miracle feat of coding. Rather, this was actually a relatively poorly put together piece of code and would sap huge amounts of battery and CPU power when running in the background even! That’s not to say it’s a bad app – only that it’s all the more impressive it was able to...

Does Brain Training Really Work? The Limits of the Human Mind.

Many of us are fascinated with the idea of increasing our intelligence, our focus and our memory. If we could increase our capabilities in these areas, then we could solve more problems, we could succeed in our careers, and we could gain the respect of our peers. But can the brain really be upgraded? Is there such thing as a real ‘Limitless’ pill? And do all these brain training games really work? The Hidden Potential of the Brain. You’ve probably heard claims that we only use a small percentage of our brain and that we have lots of untapped potential. Well the latter point is true, but the former is a complete myth and misunderstands the way our brain works. Likewise, many ‘brain training games’ have been shown to only really improve the specific task that they present us with. Counting penguins makes you better at counting penguins and that’s about it. But that is not to say that there aren’t ways we can enhance our brain function and get more from our various mental faculties. It is...

Accessing Greater Strength and Creativity Through Mental Control.

If you’re interested in the concept of heightening human performance and getting the very most out of your brain and body, then chances are you will have come across the subject of flow states. Flow states are a mental state synonymous with heightened awareness and reflexes, when we are completely focussed and all distracting thoughts melt away. Flow states get a lot of positive attention and this is deserved for the most part; but they are often treated as a ‘cure all’ for our performance, along with increased mindfulness. Right now, all the literature regarding our mental health seems to be around ‘being in the moment’ or focussing more. But there is always a danger with something like this that we will become overly enamored with a single solution. Like a fad diet, we can end up getting carried away with one solution and end up trying to apply it to every aspect of our lives. Flow states are not the answer to everything and they should not be relied upon in every situation. And whil...

How to Examine Your Failure and Use it as Inspiration.

Sometimes, when we fail, it can feel like the end of the world. None of us like to be told that we are doing something wrong. None of us like to experience setbacks in our plans. It can make us question our self-worth, and make us feel as if the things that we want to achieve are either out of our reach or simply stupid and challenging. However, failure serves a very important function in human development. Without failure, we would never know what path we need to take in order to truly succeed. If everything was easy for us, then we would never learn. Everything in our paths would be laid out for us and we would never develop emotionally, or mentally. What a boring world that would be! Fortunately, failure comes regularly to most of us, but it is how we choose to view it that truly separates those who are able to rise from the ashes from those who are prone to Wally and their setbacks and never making any progress. If you want to take a step forward in your life, you need to be able t...

Live Streaming Etiquette.

How should you conduct yourself during a live video streaming session? Remember that a live broadcast does not have an edit button and you'd do well to behave yourself appropriately. The main idea behind Periscope marketing is to promote a product in an interactive and lively manner. This concept is usually liked for the sheer authenticity that is adopted in creating content. However, one should never forget that for its unrehearsed nature, businesses must still observe basic etiquette while broadcasting. So in what way is one supposed to conduct him or herself during a live streaming session? 1. Begin with some introduction. It's impolite to jump straight to the main content without first introducing yourself to the viewers. Even if you are famous, there might still be a few people who have no clue about who you are. An introduction will also include greetings so that you warm up to your audience and build a rapport. You can use that opportunity to give a brief overview of you...

How to Use Snapchat’s New Features.

Snapchat in principle is a very simple tool to use and one that most people can pick up and have a go with without needing too much technological know-how. However, the big update that recently rolled out has introduced a whole slew of new features and while this is great for expanding the tool’s capabilities, it also makes things a little more confusing if you’re getting started for the first time. IN this post, we will assume that you have never used Snapchat before and will go over all the features you need to become a pro – whether for marketing or just for a bit of fun! 1. Signing Up. The first time you ever use Snapchat, you will be invited to sign up as tends to be the case with most social networks and most online tools in general. You may notice that this page has had something of an overhaul if you’ve been here before – it now features a cool silhouette of you in the background. The insinuation here is clear – Snapchat is about you! 2. The Basics. When you first boot up Snapc...

How Some Companies Have Used Periscope For Live Streaming.

A lot of celebrities may have taken to using Periscope for live streaming but some major brands have successfully used the app for important marketing events. Here are some of the companies that have used the mobile video streaming app since its invention. 1. Adidas. Adidas is no doubt one of the biggest companies that deals in sports merchandise. It designs kits for many teams in different fields of sports like football, athletics and rugby. One of the most notable teams that has a partnership with Adidas is the Spanish Football giants, Real Madrid. Adidas carried out one of the most creative and unique streams when it decided to live stream the event in which James Rodriguez, the Real Madrid forward, signed a contract extension with the company. It gave the many adoring fans of the star an opportunity to witness this important event as it happened. This was a very clever marketing concept that other companies can also adopt. Imagine the number of sales generated just by this simple a...

Is Periscope Marketing Here For The Long Haul?

Technology is always evolving and constantly there are new inventions and innovations that change the way information is shared. Periscope mobile video live streaming app was launched about ten months ago and has already received a lot of praise from the business community. There are several reasons why it has become so popular, key among those being its ability to allow businesses to broadcast content in an easy and cost effective way. A question that a lot of people ask is whether it will stand the test of time. That cannot be answered in a straight line because the nature of technology is to evolve. We can still take a familiar approach in answering this question. What makes Periscope live streaming app unique? The fact that its interface is integrated with Twitter makes it different from other similar platforms. That alone makes it stand out in a crowded field of digital marketing platforms. Social media has in the recent past greatly affected how businesses run their affairs and c...

Doing This Cripples Your Relationships.

What is the number one sin that you could commit that will torpedo your relationships? What kind of action is guaranteed to throw your relationship with other people for a loop? This applies to all types of relationship. It may be a business relationship, an intimate relationship, or your relationship with your family members and close friends. It is guaranteed to cripple your relationship if you do this one thing. What is this practice that corrodes your ability to connect with people in a deep and meaningful way? You might not think much of it because it seems basic and simple and a lot of people are too quick to dismiss it. A lot of people are even unaware that they are doing this. Just like with anything else in life, big disasters usually do not happen overnight. Have you ever read about buildings collapsing or bridges giving way? If you read the literature or police reports or news reports on those catastrophes, there is a common thread. Usually, designs are already there but peo...

How to Use Snapchat’s New Features.

Snapchat in principle is a very simple tool to use and one that most people can pick up and have a go with without needing too much technological know-how. However, the big update that recently rolled out has introduced a whole slew of new features and while this is great for expanding the tool’s capabilities, it also makes things a little more confusing if you’re getting started for the first time. IN this post, we will assume that you have never used Snapchat before and will go over all the features you need to become a pro – whether for marketing or just for a bit of fun! 1. Signing Up. The first time you ever use Snapchat, you will be invited to sign up as tends to be the case with most social networks and most online tools in general. You may notice that this page has had something of an overhaul if you’ve been here before – it now features a cool silhouette of you in the background. The insinuation here is clear – Snapchat is about you! 2. The Basics. When you first boot up Snapc...

What's The Big Deal With Emotional Wholeness, Anyway?

Have you ever sat down and just chilled out for a whole day? I'm not talking about playing a video game or watching stuff on Youtube, but just completely chilling out: possibly outdoors checking out some natural landscape or natural features, sitting down on a bench, watching the sunset. Have you ever done that? If you had, and you're completely honest with yourself, don't be surprised if you come to the conclusion that there's something off your life, something doesn't feel right. You can't quite point what it is but you think that there's something missing. You may be doing well enough at work, bills are getting paid, your mortgage is covered month after month, the kids are doing well enough from school, you can buy whatever you want, your debts are manageable, you rarely freak out when you get your credit card balance at the end of the month, but regardless of these, something seems missing. You might want to consider emotional wholeness. You have to unde...

The Steps to Accepting Failure.

Everybody has a setback every once in a while, but it doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with you. In fact, failure can be a great opportunity to learn your own limitations and boundaries, and provide you with a chance to learn how to think outside the box. Unfortunately, we are often taught that accepting failure means accepting that we are failures. We begin to believe that we are not worthy of any kind of encouragement or positivity, simply because we are overwhelmed by the incredible emotions that come with the idea that we are worthless when we are not succeeding at something. The fact of the matter is that success is something that has to be personally defined, otherwise, you will find that you are far more inhibited by the expectations and interpretations of success that other people place on your shoulders. Nobody deserves to have their sense of self-worth defined by somebody else. That is a personal choice, and a very important thing for you to do in this sense is to re...

Antidepressants Do A Lousy Job Of Delivering Contentment.

The state of the global weight loss industry can speak volumes of how people view the bigger issues of life. Human beings have a deep and profound need for meaning. When you ask a person right of the street if they need meaning and purpose in their lives, they probably would not be able to articulate this need in those terms. Still, they tell you stories or you learn more about them. The connections become clear. It doesn't really matter where people come from, how educated they are or how they look like. All of us need meaning. In fact, the classical great philosopher Aristotle said that human beings are teleological beings. To simply put it, the sense of purpose and meaning drives us. That's what gives life and what makes it worth living. Again, people of the street may not be able to articulate this but it all goes back to this reality. Unfortunately, we have a particularly warped view of how to attain meaning and purpose. If you've been watching how the global weight lo...

Content Marketing – How to Create a Blog, Even if You’re a Boring Business.

Content marketing is more and more becoming the most effective way to promote any kind of business or website online and should be a crucial part of your strategy. But why is it so important, and how do you make sure to do it successful? Especially if your business is not something particularly gripping? 1. How it Works and Why it Matters. The biggest mistake that most businesses make when trying to promote their businesses online is to focus too much on the short term. That is to say that they look at their internet marketing through the lens of how many conversions they can get from any given media strategy. This then results in them posting what are essentially adverts then getting confused as to why no one clicks on them. What's far more important is to think about the long term, and about establishing trust and influence in your chosen niche. If you read a few articles on a site about how someone made X amount of money and those articles are well written, insightful and inspir...

Ten Ways to Face Your Fears.

All of us have a hard time with failure, and it can often lead us to feeling insecure about ourselves. It can even begin to compound our fears and leave us feeling nervous and anxious in unfamiliar situations. We want to be able to predict and control everything that happens to us. Otherwise, we may find ourselves filled with anxiety. However, if you want to be a success, you have to be willing to take risks. All successful people are highly aware of the risks associated with that success. And they are willing to take those risks and jump right in. The first way that you can begin to face your fears is by truly accepting that they exist. Do not let yourself fall into denial. You are not perfect. You do have things that you are afraid of. Write down your fears and face them head-on, so that you are truly able to process the fact that they exist and they hold a grip over your life. The second step to facing your fears is to talk about the spheres of somebody who is truly supportive and u...

How to Think Positively to Achieve Success.

A lot of cynical people believe that thinking positively is a crock. How is it possible that being obnoxiously optimistic is going to provide you with the tools that you need to become successful? No matter what you think it isn’t going to change the world around you, right? While that may be true, thinking positively has been proven in studies to change your mind and body for the better and help you to recognize the opportunities around you. Whether you want to believe that blind optimism is the key to success or not, there is little dispute that being a positive thinker enhances your quality of life and makes you more likely to seize the opportunities that are around you and stay motivated to follow those opportunities down a path to success. The first thing you need to do in order to begin to think positively is to really examine yourself and your negative thoughts. Be honest with yourself about where these negative thoughts creep up and begin to consume you. It is common for the hu...

Important Things That Entrepreneurs Should Know About Periscope Live Streaming App.

A business person must allows be curious because that is what drives innovation and business growth. By now a lot of entrepreneurs have heard about the Periscope live streaming app. However, there are some important things that any entrepreneur who wants to use it for marketing purposes must take note of. Mobile video streaming applications have far reaching benefits for any business person that knows how to use them properly. Before you get started on Periscope, these are some of the things that you should be able to understand about this app. 1. How will it benefit you. As noted at the start, Periscope is a mobile video live streaming app that automatically connects to Twitter. The impact of this app to a business can be immense if used correctly. As an entrepreneur, you can use Periscope to market your products, grow the number of your Twitter followers and connect with your customers. These can enhance brand awareness, drive up sales and increase revenue generation. In simple terms...

How Internet Marketing Can Transform Your Life.

Working online has completely transformed my life for the better. Thanks to my ability to make money from the web, I’ve been able to live wherever I want, work out of coffee shops while travelling to other countries and pursue projects that I’m passionate about. I’ve had the BEST last 10 years. On a ‘hard’ day, I wake up at 9am, head to a coffee shop and sit down to write or promote my brand until 5pm. I’ll hit the gym in the morning. I’ll go for a stroll at lunch. And for the second half of the day I might come home and work on the couch. On other days, I’ll be working while visiting somewhere in Europe. One of my favourite ever memories was sitting in a café in Croatia. It was warm but raining outside and I was with my friend, a fellow internet marketer. It was 10pm, we were sipping beer, and we were both working on projects we loved. As we typed, we watched the world go by and just drank in the atmosphere. The bar was playing Schiller which is how I discovered one of my favorite mus...

Preparing for the Future Rather Than Fearing It.

Is normal for us to fear the future, because it is full of uncertainties. However, when we are living in fear, it can prevent us from making choices that are risky and ultimately very rewarding. When you want to be a success, sometimes it takes taking risks before that is possible. If you are willing to live on the wild side a little bit rather than sticking with what feels safe to you, you may find yourself taking your life in a completely new direction and enjoying the ride. However that type of mindset can be difficult, particularly if you are unsure of where you are going. When you do not have a clear-cut future and have no idea of what you want to do or how you are going to do it, things can be extremely overwhelming. Forget taking risks altogether, just living in the next day is risk enough. Especially when you have no idea where you are headed. That is why it can be very important for you to really accept that you have a future, and that it is something very important. If you do...

Training Your Brain to Battle Your Negativity Bias.

The negativity bias can happen to anybody. In fact, most of humanity is predisposed to favoring negative sensory input and memories over the positive. This can often hardwire us for issues like depression and a lack of motivation. When we begin to believe that more negative things happen to us than positive things, whether that is true or not, it can be extremely discouraging. We start to feel like the entire world is against us, and no matter how hard we try, the cards will always be stacked out of our favor. However, when you actually think about it, the truth is that we undervalue positive experiences and tend to overvalue the -ones. This can make it very difficult for us to move on and let go of negative events that happen to us. We find ourselves reeling from negative events for days and days, while positive events often become forgotten by the end of the day and we no longer find any value in them or their memory. In a way, the mind is a little bit of an ingrate like that. Most o...

Preparing for the Future Rather Than Fearing It.

Is normal for us to fear the future, because it is full of uncertainties. However, when we are living in fear, it can prevent us from making choices that are risky and ultimately very rewarding. When you want to be a success, sometimes it takes taking risks before that is possible. If you are willing to live on the wild side a little bit rather than sticking with what feels safe to you, you may find yourself taking your life in a completely new direction and enjoying the ride. However that type of mindset can be difficult, particularly if you are unsure of where you are going. When you do not have a clear-cut future and have no idea of what you want to do or how you are going to do it, things can be extremely overwhelming. Forget taking risks altogether, just living in the next day is risk enough. Especially when you have no idea where you are headed. That is why it can be very important for you to really accept that you have a future, and that it is something very important. If you do...

Is Periscope Marketing Here For The Long Haul?

Technology is always evolving and constantly there are new inventions and innovations that change the way information is shared. Periscope mobile video live streaming app was launched about ten months ago and has already received a lot of praise from the business community. There are several reasons why it has become so popular, key among those being its ability to allow businesses to broadcast content in an easy and cost effective way. A question that a lot of people ask is whether it will stand the test of time. That cannot be answered in a straight line because the nature of technology is to evolve. We can still take a familiar approach in answering this question. What makes Periscope live streaming app unique? The fact that its interface is integrated with Twitter makes it different from other similar platforms. That alone makes it stand out in a crowded field of digital marketing platforms. Social media has in the recent past greatly affected how businesses run their affairs and c...

Watch This to Find Out Why You're Not a Millionaire Yet.

Let's get one thing clear. A lot of people make all sorts of excuses why they're not millionaires. A lot of people say, "Well, money doesn't make you happy. You can't buy love. You can't buy fulfillment. Money doesn't matter. What matters is happiness. What matters is a sense of contentment." Well, the problem here is that a lot of people define contentment in such a way that it robs them of accountability. Somebody could say to you, "Well, I'm with the person that I'm with because I love him or her." Fair enough. But instead of calling that person out and holding that person to a standard and demanding accountability, you just hang on to the emotion. You just hang on to how good it feels to be around that person. Well, it might turn out that the person is a drug addict or the person has a habit of smacking you around and giving you a black eye every once in a while. You still get that nice emotional rush from time to time, but you ha...

Lessons Learnt From Periscope Marketing Campaigns So Far.

A lot of companies have used the Periscope live streaming app for several marketing campaigns ever since it was launched. Unlike with recorded broadcasts, it's not advisable to sound plastic or mechanical during the live streaming sessions because viewers will immediately detect that. This app functions best when businesses present a honest picture of themselves that customers can also relate to. Over the course of nearly ten months, what are some of the most important lessons that we have learnt so far from Periscope marketing campaigns? Below we look at some of the valuable takeaways that brands can also embrace in order make their live broadcasting sessions a success. 1. Personify your brand's spirit. What is your brand known for? What comes immediately to the mind of a customer whenever he or she sees your products? These two questions will help you define the spirit of your brand and embody it during the live streaming sessions. If your brand image is masculine or seductiv...

Watch This to Find Out Why You're Not a Millionaire Yet.

Let's get one thing clear. A lot of people make all sorts of excuses why they're not millionaires. A lot of people say, "Well, money doesn't make you happy. You can't buy love. You can't buy fulfillment. Money doesn't matter. What matters is happiness. What matters is a sense of contentment." Well, the problem here is that a lot of people define contentment in such a way that it robs them of accountability. Somebody could say to you, "Well, I'm with the person that I'm with because I love him or her." Fair enough. But instead of calling that person out and holding that person to a standard and demanding accountability, you just hang on to the emotion. You just hang on to how good it feels to be around that person. Well, it might turn out that the person is a drug addict or the person has a habit of smacking you around and giving you a black eye every once in a while. You still get that nice emotional rush from time to time, but you ha...

Why Do Millionaires Commit Suicide?

Believe it or not, a significant number of people who commit suicide every single year in the United States and elsewhere are individuals who have more than a few bucks to their name. This statistic blows many people's minds because this is not how the stories supposed to end. In our culture, we are led to believe that the more stuff you have, the happier you are supposed to be. The idea is that material possessions bring happiness. Keep in mind that there are scientific studies that prove that money does buy happiness, but the full story is it only works for so long. The best way to understand this is to think back to the last time you bought something. Maybe you had your eye on a new Air Jordans, you're excited about being able to buy that new pair so when you finally got it, you're really stoked. You'll walk around with your new Jordans, your friends would say, "Hey, nice shoes", "great kicks". But as time went on, there will just be another pair ...

How to Create the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign.

Using the right e-mail marketing campaign, you can reach a huge number of people without them even having to come to you. You can message them right in their inboxes which they'll probably check on a daily basis, and you'll be able to convey as much information as you want to them right there and then while you have their attention. The effectiveness of this strategy though of course depends on many factors, and just because you have their attention doesn't mean you'll be able to make sales. Firstly you of course need to be able to maintain that attention for long enough for them to actually take your message on board. Then there's the fact that your message needs to be convincing enough to actually make them want to buy your product or sign up to your service, and the fact that a lot of e-mails will get deleted before they even get read. Fortunately, this is a science more than it is an art, meaning that it can be tested, fine-tuned and hones. Here we will look at ...


If you are at a campsite and if you want your barbecue pit to heat up very quickly, the last thing you'd probably think of doing is to pump a huge amount of flammable liquid on it. If you're a responsible camper and know your way around your barbecue pit, you would layer on twigs and other twigs and branches and put logs on top. That's how you manage the fire. Unfortunately, such long-term thinking is not rewarded by the modern world. We want the best the world has to offer right here, right now. That's how much of a rush we're in, not surprisingly, we believe that the more we have, the more valuable our lives become. We have completely erased the wall between value and price. We size each other up based on how much stuff or rights to stuff we have. We create this mental hierarchy and people with the most things are at the top. In the west, a significant amount of people kill themselves every single year. This is quite shocking because they are all provided for, the...