What's The Big Deal With Emotional Wholeness, Anyway?

Have you ever sat down and just chilled out for a whole day? I'm not talking about playing a video game or watching stuff on Youtube, but just completely chilling out: possibly outdoors checking out some natural landscape or natural features, sitting down on a bench, watching the sunset. Have you ever done that?

If you had, and you're completely honest with yourself, don't be surprised if you come to the conclusion that there's something off your life, something doesn't feel right. You can't quite point what it is but you think that there's something missing.

You may be doing well enough at work, bills are getting paid, your mortgage is covered month after month, the kids are doing well enough from school, you can buy whatever you want, your debts are manageable, you rarely freak out when you get your credit card balance at the end of the month, but regardless of these, something seems missing.

You might want to consider emotional wholeness. You have to understand that the sense of contentment is an art. A lot of people think that contentment is some sort of product that can be bought. When we buy stuff that's worth a lot of money, that item is more valuable. If you are able to afford something that other people desire, you must be important enough.

We got so caught up in the outer indicators of value that we have lost sight of value itself. We are so caught up in buying contentment through getting more and more stuff that we confused value with price; possessions with being. Not surprisingly, many of us find ourselves in a situation where the more we buy, the less complete we feel.

It's not suppose to work this way. Wholeness enables you to occupy the moment. There's no need to explain; there's no need to be somebody that you're not; there's no need to make excuses; there's nothing to worry about. The past is the past, the future is yet to happen and here you are, in the moment, enjoying it and being in it.

The problem is we have lost sight of the concept of wholeness, we are so bombarded with so many different signals that throw us off the whole concept of wholeness. We've reached the point where most of us have forgotten the whole idea of wholeness.

Maybe, if we buy enough stuff, contentment and wholeness will come in. Maybe if we live in a big enough place, this will kick in. Again, this is just in the back section of your mind. this is real. This is the kind of emotional treadmill we find ourselves in. The more we buy, the more we consume, the more we burn out.

Invest in the way out.

Instead of running yourself ragged on a treadmill, has it occurred to you that maybe, you can make things easier on yourself by just getting off the treadmill? Yes, you're supposed to level up until you breakthrough and get the prize. That's how it's marketed, at least.

You might want to reconsider the power of stopping and the power of the infinite now. Click here to learn more about emotional wholeness and how you can achieve it using practical steps.




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